| 1. | And if this works , the team will start carrying the begging bowl round in earnest 假使成功了,团队人员便可以开始虔诚地捧著化缘钵四处奔走了。 |
| 2. | The second beggar also decided to use his piece of chalk to write something on his begging bowl 这个时候,他决心痛改前非,返到天庭后一定尽忠职守。 |
| 3. | Each of the three guards of heaven was given a begging bowl and warm clothing but no food 下凡前,三个侍卫给发了棉袄和托,要找东西裹腹便得向路人讨钱。 |
| 4. | The first beggar picked up his piece of chalk and wrote on his begging bowl the word " beg " and showed it to every passer - by 于是,乞丐甲手执白粉笔,在上写了beg两字,然后捧起示人。 |
| 5. | They had used the money to acquire other models of begging bowls , re - labelling them with the magic words " beggar . com " or " e - begging " 于是,两人以手上的资本收购其他类型的托,再改标上beggar . com及 |
| 6. | They had even tried rubbing all the begging bowls in the hope that one of them might turn out to be aladdin s lamp in disguise 情急之下,他们甚至试过以双手摩擦每只托,希望总有一只会有像天方夜谭里阿拉丁神灯一样的本事。 |
| 7. | The first guard loyally reported the events of that hard winter s day in great detail . he even described the writings on the begging bowls 听证会上,乞丐甲如实报告了那个寒冬早上的一切始末,还一字不漏地说出托上所写的字词。 |
| 8. | In one hand , he holds an arura plant , known for its healing powers ; in the other , a begging bowl filled with medicinal substances to show that he brings you healing , medical help and relief ?右手持一株药草左手握著装满灵药的钵器象征著?的确具有?病满愿之功德神力。 |
| 9. | But he has gone back to the board with the begging bowl because he believes a top - class keeper is all he needs to conquer europe in 2004 - 05 但是,他已经再次向俱乐部董事会申请了资金,因为他相信如果我们想在下个赛季( 04 - 05 )的冠军杯有所作为的话,必须引进一个更高水平的守门员。 |
| 10. | They talked about the number of replicas of the begging bowls they had managed to sell at the initial public offers , when everybody had blindly scrambled for them , not bothering even to think what use they could be put to 原来当日他们依照原来上所写字样大量制造新产品,竟然大受欢迎,在首次公开发售中人们根本不理会托是否有用,便一窝蜂付钱抢购。 |